I moved to Omaha last year, so I found this 1877 article
from the Omaha Herald interesting.
For those who loath TSA, tiny seats, and surly airlines, take heart, travel was
far worse in the good-ol’-days.
Here are a few of the Herald’s tips for stage travelers.
- Don't growl at food stations; stage companies generally provide the best they can get.
- Don't keep the stage waiting; many a virtuous man has lost his character by so doing.
- Don't smoke a strong pipe inside especially early in the morning.
- Spit on the leeward side of the coach.
- If you have anything to take in a bottle, pass it around; a man who drinks by himself in such a case is lost to all human feeling.
- Don't swear, nor lop over on your neighbor when sleeping.
- Don't ask how far it is to the next station until you get there.
- Never attempt to fire a gun or pistol while on the road, it may frighten the team; and the careless handling and cocking of the weapon makes nervous people nervous.
- Don't discuss politics or religion, nor point out places on the road where horrible murders have been committed.
- Don't linger too long at the pewter wash basin at the station.
- Don't grease you hair before starting or dust will stick there in sufficient quantities to make a respectable 'tater' patch.
- Tie a silk handkerchief around your neck to keep out dust and prevent sunburns. A little glycerin is good in case of chapped hands.
Don't imagine for a moment you are going on a picnic; expect annoyance, discomfort and some hardships. If you are disappointed, thank heaven.I thank heaven every time I'm not seated next to Del Griffith!